Healthcare institution «Mogilev clinic №12»

поликлиника Healthcare institution «Mogilev clinic №12» no stars


Belinskogo Street, 22a, Mogilev, Mogilev district, Mogilev region

The healthcare institution Mogilev clinic №12 worked since 2012. Now the clinic is versatile out-patient and polyclinic establishment, there is a set of the main, auxiliary and specialized services for delivery of health care.

Polyclinic serves the population living near the railway station, "holiday village" street Krupskaya street Pervomayskaya ( "relocation" area).

Consists of:

  • building №1 and building №2:
Building №1: (number of floors:3, elevator: 1).
Building №2: (number of floors:3).

  • Medical post of Mogilev locomotive depot at: Mogilev, Vokzalnaya Street, 6a.
  • Emergency clinic at: Mogilev, Paravoznaya, 1a.
About 16 000 adult and also 4 000 children's population are serviced by the clinic. Besides, medical care is provided to the employees of the Mogilev office of Belarusian railway.
The clinic services about 360 visitors per shift.

Working time

                                                          During weekdays
  Registry   From 7:30 until 20:00
  Receiving by district doctors       From 8:00 until 20:00 according to the schedule
  Receiving by medical specialists   From 8:00 until 20:00 according to the schedule
  Receiving house calls   From 7:30 until 17:00
  Home visit   From 8:00 until 20:00
  First-aid office reception   С 8:00 до 20:00
  Emergency room   С 8:00 до 20:00
                                                               On Saturdays
 Duty therapist     From 9:00 until 15:00
 Receiving physician house calls
  From 8:00 until 13:00
 Home visit   From 13:00 until 15:00
                                                  On Sundays and holidays
 Duty therapist     From 9:00 until 15:00

Дополнительная информация

In the cliniс there is a coupon system.

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Учреждение здравоохранения «Могилёвская поликлиника № 12» работает с 2012 года. В настоящее время поликлиника является многопрофильным амбулато


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