Raubichi Hotel

гостиница Raubichi Hotel


Ivanovskaya str., 4b, village Okolitsa, Minsk region





If you follow signs to Silichi-Logoisk, you can get in a wonderful and convinient homestead Raubichi Hotel that is situated in 10 km from Minsk. Tired travellers and active holiday lovers can have a good rest here.
Raubichi Hotel is a nice 4-floor cottage - a hotel equipped with all amenities: a cosy dinning room, a billiard, a sauna and a summerhouse. 


Comfortable soft furniture and a large plasma with satellite TV are at your disposal !


The hotel restaurant welcoms guests to have dinner in comfortable hall. All guests can be enjoyed tasty and healthy dishes cooked by high class cook of the Raubichi Hotel.

Описание номеров

The hotel Raubichi can accommodate at least 25 guests. The modern rooms have single and double beds. Being in Raubichi Hotel, tourists can forget about everyday issues, as there are a modern shower cabin and toilet with hot and cold water.

Развлечения и спорт

Billiard room of the hotel complex Raubichi Hotel is a great variant of good spending evenings for tourists. A visit to a real Russian bath-house filled with the smell of birch brooms, cheers up the spirit and improve well-being of tired tourists. After a bath tourists of Belarus can be pleasantly accommodated at a large table in a comfortable lounge. Guests can relax in a beautiful summer house or prepare a delicious meat or fish on the barbecue.

Дополнительная информация

The Raubichi Hotel offers a convenient Shuttle service to Minsk. There is a possibility of visiting the most famous attractions in Minsk region. The Museum of the Belarusian national folklore and Ethnography is nearby, which presents a very interesting exposition. In the village of Raubichi there are restaurants, cafes and shops. In few meters from the Hotel Raubichi there is the Sports complex Raubichi, an indoor ice rink, a gym and a wonderful Dubrovsky water reservoir, where you can enjoy fishing in peace and quiet place, get pleasure from a good bite and a great day out of the Belarusian nature.
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Если следовать по направлению Силичи-Логойск, то можно попасть в удивительную уютную усадьбу Раубичи Hotel, расположившуюся в 10 километрах от Минска. Здесь найдут приют усталые


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