Adam Mickiewicz monument

Adam Mickiewicz monument

Adam Mickiewicz - Polish poet, publicist, activist of the national liberation movement in Poland. One of the three greatest Polish poets of the Romantic period, along with Juliusz Słowacki and Zygmunt Krasiński. But in Belarus Adam Mickiewicz considered as a national Belarusian writer who created his works in Polish.
Adam Mickiewicz was born near Novogrudok in the family of an impoverished nobleman. Despite the fact that in the 25 years he was forced to leave Belarus, the nature, history and folklore of Novogrudok formed the romantic style of the writer. Throughout his life he sought to return to his homeland glorifying Belarus in his works. The most famous among them - the poem "Konrad Wallenrod", "Dzyady," "Pan Tadeusz" and many others. 
People in Novogrudok proud of their famous compatriot. In the town there is a street, industrial plant, named in honor of the poet, two his monuments and house-museum. However, it appeared in the city relatively recently - in the late XX century. It took more than 100 years to create the first monument of Adam Mickiewicz in Novogrudok.
The first attempt to establish a memorial in honor of the famous writer was at the end of 1860. The local gentry sent to authorities a letter with requesting to memorialize compatriot. However, the petition has not reviewed by Novogrudok and Minsk authorities. All referred to the wrong time for the installation of the memorial - the country adopted a decree on the abolition of serfdom, the political situation escalated - in some places was already actively preparing for an armed uprising in 1863 - created caches of weapons and provisions, in churches sounded Polish patriotic songs.
As long as petition for installation of the monument was delayed, in the place where it was initially planned to establish a memorial (on the Castle Hill or near it), a local doctor decided to build a house.
In 1903, thanks to the eldest daughter of the writer in St. Michael Church was installed memorial plaque with a bronze bust of Adam Mickiewicz. However, due to religious and other circumstances that place did not become publicly available.
At the 85th anniversary of the death of the writer people attempted to establish a monument again. Local authorities permitted the construction and has announced a competition for the best project. However, in 1941, Great Patriotic War began, and plans for the construction of the memorial was postponed.
Only in 1992 in Novogrudok park a monument to the outstanding Polish-Belarusian writer Adam Mickiewicz was created.

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Достопримечательности Беларуси

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