Адрес |
Kazarmennaya street, Kletsk, Minsk region |
Barracks - architectural monuments of the "modern" style. Located in the town of Kletsk, Minsk region.
In accordance with the decision of the government of the Second Rzeczpospolita, in 1924 the Border Guard Corps was created.
The Ninth Battalion "Kletsk" was located in the buildings of the garrison, built in 1924-1925 in the northern part of Kletsk.
The architect of the garrison buildings was Tadeusz Novakowski, the architect of the construction works was the architect Sigismund Vygonovsky.
The garrison consisted of: the headquarters building, the barracks, the weapons room, the stables and the fodder storage. In the building of the barracks were premises for officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers, kitchen, bathroom, laundry, sewing workshop, warehouses.
In all buildings there was electricity, which was supplied from Nesvizh. There was a local water supply.
Two buildings of the barracks (one half destroyed, only the gate remained from the left barracks and the right wing) and the headquarters of the battalion have survived to this day. The wooden parts of the buildings were lined with silicate brick.
Покровская (Вознесенская) церковь впервые отмечается инвентарем города Клецка в 1626 году как униатская и находилась она на значительном расстоянии от города.
Свято-Воскресенская церковь расположена в здании бывшего костела при монастыре доминиканцев в городе Клецке Минской области. Памятник архитектуры барокко.
Государственное учреждение «Музей истории Клетчины» расположен в городе Клецке Минской области, созданный на базе историко-краеведческого музея средней школы города Клецка. С 1 сентября 1979 года музей стал государственным, впос
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