Будславский костел - памятник архитектуры позднего барокко. Построен в 1767-83 годах как бернардинский. По легенде, костел в Будской пуще возник в связи с чудесным явлением здесь в 1588 году Пресвятой Девы Марии, описанным в хронике бе
Адрес |
Budslau, Minsk region |
Budslau Church is an architectural monument of the late Baroque. It was built in 1767-1783 years as Bernardine. According to the legend the Church in the Budsky forest arose in connection with the miraculous appearance of Blessed Virgin Mary in 1588, as described in the chronicle of Bernardine by Thomash Dygonya.
The icon of the Mother of God written in 1598 is kept in the church, it was donated by Pope Clement XVIII. The pilgrimage traditions emerged in Budslau due to the publication of the book in 1650 by the abbot of the local monastery Eleutherus Zeleevich with a long and detailed list of miracles that have happened in Buda after icon appeared there.
In 1858 the Bernardine Monastery in Vilnus was closed by order of Alexander II. The same happened with the local monastery. The ritual of church festivals in Budslau was gradually losing its authenticity and was being simplified. Choral singing by Bernardine monks that has been the hallmark of the annual summer festivals died away too.
Another severe crisis happened in 1939. In that year "semi-underground" phase of the existence of the church with night weddings and baptisms, with pilgrimages and secret confessions to the churchyard cemetery began. Budslau old-timers tell stories when the local authorities on the day of traditional church festival in July in honor of the Mother of God took away the keys from the caretaker of the church, and people were praying in front of a locked door. However it is worth mentioning that the church has never been used for the atheistic purposes.
Taking into account the history and the role of the church in life of Belarusian Catholics, Pope John Paul II gave the title "Minor basilica" to the church in Budslau, emphasizing the special status of the church.
On Budslav festivals there are masses in the church all night, singing of pilgrims does not fade away. A crowd of thousands people on a spacious meadow at the river sings along with the monks the lyrics written by the founder of the Order of Bernardine Francis of Assisi almost eight hundred years ago. Every year traditionally at midnight on July 2 all the pilgrims lit their candles from a candle standing in front of the icon of Our Lady of Budslau.
Будславский костел - памятник архитектуры позднего барокко. Построен в 1767-83 годах как бернардинский. По легенде, костел в Будской пуще возник в связи с чудесным явлением здесь в 1588 году Пресвятой Девы Марии, описанным в хронике бе
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