Будславский костел - памятник архитектуры позднего барокко. Построен в 1767-83 годах как бернардинский. По легенде, костел в Будской пуще возник в связи с чудесным явлением здесь в 1588 году Пресвятой Девы Марии, описанным в хронике бе
The church is a monument of architecture of the late Baroque. It was built in 1767-83 as Bernardine. According to the legend, the church in Budskaya Pushcha arose in connection with the miraculous appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary here in 1588, described in the chronicle of the Bernardine chronicler Tomas Dygonya.
There is the icon of the Mother of God painted in 1598 in the church, donated by the Pope Clement XVIII. The impetus for the birth of pilgrimage traditions in Budslau was the publication in 1650 of the book of the abbot of the local monastery of Eleuther Zeleevich with a long and detailed list of miracles that occurred in Budslau after the appearance of the papal icon in the local church.
In 1858, by the order of Alexander II, the Bernardine monastery was closed in Vilnius. The same fate befell the local monastery. The ritual of holding the Budslau temple festivals, inspired by Vilna monks, gradually loses its authenticity. The Budslau choral singing of the Bernardine monks, which was a feature of the annual summer "festivals" is also calm down.
Another severe crisis is falling on the church in 1939, after a well-known "reunification". Begins the countdown of the multi-year "semi-underground" phase of the church's existence with night weddings and baptisms, with secret pilgrimages and confessions in the church cemetery. Budslau old-timers say that local authorities, during the traditional July temple festival in honor of the icon of the Mother of God of Budslav, took the keys from the church from the watchman, and people prayed just before the locked doors. At the same time, it should be noted that the church was never used for atheistic purposes.
According to the history and role of the church in the life of Belarusian Catholics, Pope John Paul II in 1994 appropriated the title of "Basilica Small" to the church in Budslav, emphasizing the special rank of the temple.
Now every year, according to tradition at midnight on July 2, from the candle facing the icon of Our Lady of Budslau, all the pilgrims light their candles.
Будславский костел - памятник архитектуры позднего барокко. Построен в 1767-83 годах как бернардинский. По легенде, костел в Будской пуще возник в связи с чудесным явлением здесь в 1588 году Пресвятой Девы Марии, описанным в хронике бе
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