Chachersk Tawn Hall


Leninskaja str, Chachersk, Gomel Region

Chachersk Town Hall is a monument of architecture in the classical style with elements of gothic architecture. It was built in the second half of the XVIII century by Count Field Marshal Zakhar Chernyshyov, to which in 1774 Empress Catherine II presented the town. Chachersk Town Hall is an architectural monument of the 1st category of national importance.

By the end of the XVIII century the town hall was in the center of the town and was an element connecting all the individual buildings in the ensemble of the ideal town. In the system of this urban ensemble town hall building has been defined as a belvedere which offered views of the entire city. By 1979 this belvedere has retained its dominant position, and from its upper floors even better views of the entire central area of ​​the city has been seen. In addition on the north-west and north-east from the town hall there are beautiful views of the river Sozh and Chechyora, as well as of the hill Zamkovaja and the old park.

Historic and ethnographic museum was moved in the town hall by the Order of the Department of Culture of the Chachersk on March 25, 2005.

Chachersk can not boast of a large exposition. The main exhibits of the museum include small archaeological findings from the hill Zamkovaja, as well as icons which are made in the original style. Once there was even the so-called School of Chachersk Iconography, which is somewhat reminiscent of works by Italian masters. Most of the icons that can be seen today in the town hall are gathered from the villages. On the second and third floors of the building you can visit the various exhibitions. And on the fourth floor there is an observation deck, which offers a beautiful view of the city and its surroundings.

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Спасо-Преображенская церковь в Чечерске

Гомельская область

Преображенская церковь была возведена в 1779 году. На освящении церкви в 1783 году присутствовала сама императрица Екатерина II. Здание причислено к памятникам архитектуры и охраняется государством.


Чечерская ратуша

ул. Ленина, 4

Чечерская ратуша - памятник архитектуры в стиле классицизма с элементами псевдоготики. Возведена во второй половине XVIII в. по заказу графа генерал-фельдмаршала З.Г.Чернышева, которому в 1774 г. императрица Екатерина II подарила горо

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