Автор и создатель монумента лауреат Государственной премии РБ, заслуженный работник культуры БССР Эдуард Константинович Агунович. Открытие часовни состоялось 2 сентября 1995 года и было освящено Благодатным Огнем от Гроба Господ
Адрес |
Naberezhnaja str, Rechitsa, Gomel region |
In the center of boulevard of Rechitsa there is a stunning architectural monument - the Chapel of Saint Euphrosyne of Polotsk. Its installation is dedicated to the important event, a millennium since the Christianization of Ruthenia by Prince Vladimir. In 1910 Anniversary Chapel (original name of the Chapel) appeared in the town on the place where the procession with the holy relics of the saint patron of Ruthenia. They came from capital of Ukraine to Polotsk, where the relics are kept officially.
The author and the creator of the monument is Edward Agunovich. The opening of the chapel took place on September 2, 1995, the chapel was consecrated by the Holy Fire from the Holy Sepulchre, which was delivered by a special expedition. The members were ordered to walk from Jerusalem, the Holy Land, to Polotsk, the birthplace of this great woman, and sanctify all the temples and monuments named after her.
The author and the creator of the monument is Edward Agunovich. The Chapel that later appeared on the town boulevard caused excitement of all the citizens. It is a huge and beautiful monument made of brass and corrosion corrosion resistant steel, which were produced by best metallurgists from Minsk. The author carefully thought through his creation. The composition of the Сhapel designed by the author as follows: four supports symbolize the development of the life and thought spirally. The faces of 12 Belarusian saints and enlighteners were inserted in them. The Chapel was built at the rectangular platform strewed with gravel. There are steps on the four sides of the monument, flower beds are between them.
Автор и создатель монумента лауреат Государственной премии РБ, заслуженный работник культуры БССР Эдуард Константинович Агунович. Открытие часовни состоялось 2 сентября 1995 года и было освящено Благодатным Огнем от Гроба Господ
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