Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin and Carmelites monastery

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin and Carmelites monastery

Carmelite monastery complex in the Glubokoye, which now includes the building of the former church and the monastery, was built in 1639 - 1654 years, rebuilt in 1735 in the style of "Vilna" baroque. In front of the main facade of the temple there is a gate, built simultaneously with the restructuring of the temple in 1735. The composition the building represents an elongated three-aisled basementless with a rectangular apsis. The temple is covered by cylindrical vaults with stucco geometric patterns. The frescoes which cover the walls and ceiling of the temple were lost in 1875 when the reconstruction of the church was held. At the same time the iconostasis was installed. The special proud of the temple is a copy of the miraculous image of Holy Mother,brought here in 1911 from Carey.
According to legend, vast caves, which were under the building of the church and the monastery were drawn up under the area of Trinity Church, it was founded in Berezvechya, where a Basilian monastery was situated. Stone three-storey monastery, replaced by wooded in 1735, belonged to the church from the north-western side and formed a closed courtyard. It's east wing is preserved till today, the other two were dismantled in 1892, almost three decades after the closure of the monastery (1864).
As church legend has it, Monastic Brotherhood of Carmel is the oldest among all religious brotherhoods, it was founded in the Old Testament times by prophet Elijah. The Bible tells us: neither rain nor dew was on the land of Israel for three years in a row, people were dying of hunger and thirst; and Elijah went up to Mount Carmel ( 546 meters high, rising above the sea port of Haifa), and he was the first of who heard the sound of rain and saw a small cloud rising from the sea .It grew into a huge black cloud that irrigate parched earth with rain and rescued people from death. According to the interpretation of St. Jerome the cloud is a prototype of the Mother of God, who, having given birth to Jesus, the God-man, blessed the dry land with fertile rain and thus saved the world of unbelief from perishing. Immediately after this dream Carmel monastic brotherhood was founded by Elijah. The first statute of the monastic brotherhood was given by Elijah himself, he had preached the physical "mortification" and was very stern and ascetic ; but and in 1432 the Western monasticism rejected this statute and by the bull of Pope Eugene IV it was "modified". During the Reformation, there was a split in Carmel monastery which divided the order into 2 branches: the Carmelites "Obutyye" and Carmelites "Bosyye" - followers of St.Teriza Avilskaya. These "bosyye" Carmelites followed the original strict vows of Elijah and settled in 1639 in the Glubokoye. The monastery owned 15 estates, which brought huge year income. Glubokskaya Carmelites supported school, noble board house, a library of three thousand books, a physical office, a pharmacy, a hospital and several living quarters for travelers.18 July 1812 Napoleon stopped in these chambers.
The reason for the closure of the monastery was the uprising in 1863 and active participation of the Carmelites, who supplied rebels with products, drugs. After the uprising was defeated, the monastery cells and caves turned into torture chambers and detention of participants of the uprising.
Currently, the church was reconsecrated and acts as an orthodox church.

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Достопримечательности Беларуси

Ильинская часовня

Глубокое, Витебская область

Ильинская часовня построена в конце XVII века, является памятником архитектуры классицизма. Расположена часовня на кладбище, которое называется Коптевка.


Колонна в честь конституции 1791 г.

Глубокое, Глубокский район,Витебская область

Мемориальная колонна была воздвигнута в конце XVIII века в честь Конституции Речи Посполитой от 3 мая 1791 г.


Глубокский Троицкий костел

Глубокое, Глубокский район,Витебская область

Костел Святой Троицы - памятник архитектуры позднего барокко. Построен в 1764—1782 гг. на месте деревянного, заложенного в 1628 году Иосифом Корсаком, сгоревшего во время Тринадцатилетней войны (1654-1667), когда Глубокое подверглось н


Глубокская церковь Рождества Богородицы и монастырь кармелитов

Глубокое, Глубокский район, Витебская область

Кармелитский монастырский комплекс в Глубоком, ныне включающий в себя здание бывшего костела, монастыря и брамы, был заложен в 1639 - 1654 годах, перестроен в 1735 году в стиле «виленского» барокко.


"Березвечский монастырь базилиан"

улица Ф. Скорины, 77, Гпубокое, Витебска область

Березвечье — предместье Глубокого, включенное в черту города в XX в. Монастырь был основан Иосифом Корсаком, он подарил униатам свое имение Березвечье, где еще при его отце Льве Корсаке была построена православная церковь. В 1643 го

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