Гомельский государственный театр кукол был создан в 1968 году. Большинство спектаклей театра предназначены детям. Это добрые поучительные сказки, рассчитанные на юного зрителя.
Адрес |
Sovetskaja str, 27, Gomel |
Gomel State Circus is located in the center of the town center, it was built in 1972. The first performance was held on December 2, 1972. This is the largest entertainment facilities of the town. The capacity of the circus hall is 1544 seats. Each season which lasts from September to May the circus holds five-six programs. Programs are formed mainly of performances of guest artists and ensembles. Next door the circus has its own cozy hotel for touring artists and guests. This unique building is a real decoration of main street of the town. The area in front of the circus with colorful flower beds and a fountain is very beautiful especially at night. The building is constructed on a standard project developed by the Central Research Institute of Experimental Design of entertainment buildings and sports facilities for Krasnodar.
On the first floor there is a huge foyer for the audience, which covers a semicircular auditorium. The foyer has a modern interior with huge wall of windows. Rebellion. These windows can be paint if necessary, and then they become original posters. There are buffet, cloakrooms, bathrooms and smoking rooms in the foyer, there are also exits in the ticket hall and backstage.
Circus design allows to show any programs including such complex as "Circus on the Water", "Circus on the Ice" and air performances. For artists there are a warm-up room, resting rooms, dining room, medical center. Lots of space is allotted for the circus animals: a spacious stable, a kitchen to prepare food. All rooms are equipped with the first-class ventilation, well-heated and lighted. In the circus at any time of the year it is a specific microclimate.
Seats for the viewers are divided into four quadrants with comfortable chairs. There is perfect acoustics in the auditorium which provides audibility everywhere. Circus' Dome serves not only as the background for air performances, but here also hangs sophisticated equipment. Above the main hall entrance is the orchestra.
Equipment of the building allows to show not only circus performances but also concerts, sporting events, movies. Yakov Lobovich is the head of the Gomel State Circus, he carries out the duties of director.
Within 15 minutes' walk from the circus are:
all main attractions of the town (Central Park of Culture and Leisure - Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble, museums, monuments, fountains, etc.);
cultural and entertainment venues (theaters, cinemas, concert halls, central stadium, swimming pools, gyms);
food and beverage (cafes, bars, restaurants, canteens);
shopping centers, central market;
railway station, the central post office, the post office, banks.
Гомельский государственный театр кукол был создан в 1968 году. Большинство спектаклей театра предназначены детям. Это добрые поучительные сказки, рассчитанные на юного зрителя.
Зимний сад — памятник архитектуры XIX века, входит в состав Гомельского дворцово-паркового ансамбля.
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