House-Museum of Eliza Ozheshko

House-Museum of Eliza Ozheshko

House-museum of Eliza Ozheszko in Grodno created in the her house, where she lived from 1894 to 1910 years. There are the Youth branch and department of publications in foreign languages "Grodno Regional Library named in honor of E.F.Karskiy" located in this house. In 1967, the exhibition was set up in the reading room of the Youth branch and dedicated to the life and work of Eliza Ozheshko. In 2001, in the rooms where during the life of the writer was a cabinet and lounge, the interiors have been recreated with help of the preserved photos. Rooms are decorated with furniture and objects of the epoch of Eliza Ozheshko. Of the remaining original items here are a fireplace and mirror, herbarium, made by Ozheshko, writer's photos and books. The house also has original wooden elements of vestibule and balcony railings. In March 2009, after the reconstruction of the whole house, the rooms were re-opened to the public. Demonstration area of halls amounts to 34.1 sq. m. The main fund of the museum consists of 70 items.
Expositions - House-museum Eliza Ozheshko in Grodno.
Events and people: writer's small salon - the interior of the small salon recreated from preserved photos. There are paintings, original stones and mirror of Eliza Ozheshko, original recordings in datebook (1881), newspapers "Tygodnik ilustrowany" (1907), a wardrobe of the 19 century. The total number of exhibits is 35.
Photos and photographic documents: writer's cabinet - furnishings (furniture, stationery of the 18-19 centuries) recreated from preserved photos. The total number of exhibits is 35. Visitors can get acquainted with the presented portraits, herbarium, editions and photos of Eliza Ozheshko.
Excursions - House-museum of Eliza Ozheshko in Grodno.
Excursion "Life of Eliza Ozheshko" (40 min.): A brief history of the life and work of the writer. The story of her family, early marriage. Participation in the uprising of 1863, the opening of school for children. Fire in Grodno in 1885 and Ozheshko's help to Grodno citizens. Eliza Ozheshko as a public figure and member of charities. History of the her house.
Excursion "Childhood of Eliza Ozheshko" (40 min.): for children aged 6-10 years. The story about her parents, grandmother, teachers, family legends, parents' house in Milkovschine near Grodno. Interesting facts about studying in a boarding house in Warsaw, the first attempts at writing. The story ends with a period of life when E.Ozheshko marries.
Excursion "Eliza Orzeszko and Grodno" (40 min.): Grodno and Grodno region in the life of the writer. Love and hate toward the city. Help of E.Ozheshko to Grodno citizens after a fire in 1885. Famous people that have been in the House of E.Ozheshko. Respect to Eliza Ozheshko from Grodno citizens. Illness and death of the writer. Keeping the memory of E.Ozheshko in Grodno since 1910 until today.
Excursion "Love and men in the life of Eliza Ozheshko" (40 min.): Tour for people who are already familiar with the work of the writer and her destiny. The story about personal life of Ozheshko, about two marriages and relationships with Z. Sbentintski, F. Godlevski, T. Garbovski, T. Bohvic, and about tragedies, as well as the tragedies and feelings in her life. In the end a tour around her house.
Excursion "Social and charitable activities of Eliza Ozheshko" (40 min.): Tour is accompanied by the presentation and the documentary film "My soul, with the name of the female".

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