Kalozha Church


Rybatskaya street, 6/1

Kalozha Church in Grodno - a historical and architectural a monument of the XII century. The architecture of the church is unique among the remaining buildings and remind composition of an earlier Gorodensky Cathedral - Lower Church, known according to archaeological research.
Historians claim that the first mention of the church was in the Hypatian Codex in 1183. Although in the second half of the XII century there are at least two stone churches in Grodno "sisters" of Kalozha Church: the so-called Lower Church (on the territory of Old Castle) and Prechistenskaya Church (on the present territory of the monastery of Nativity of the Virgin). Construction of the Kolozha Church associated with the Grodno princes Boris and Gleb. The exact date of construction Kolozha, the names of its churchwardens and architects probably will never be known, as well as much more relating to this temple.
There is no consensus concerning the origin of the word "Kolozha". Some historians refer to an entry in the Nikon Chronicle, which states that in February 1406 the Grand Duke Vytautas went to war with Pskov. Vitautas did not leave a stone from Kolozha (the fortress that defending southern entrance to Pskov). People (those that survived) been led away in Grodno and supposedly settled near the existing church, which became known as Kalozha with time. Others researchers consider that the name of the ancient temple of Grodno comes from the word "kolozhan" means the place with a lot of water springs.

Temples of Grodno school of architecture on the planning were quite traditional three-apse cross-domed church. It were built from the plinth using a laying of granite boulders. External walls of the Kalozha church decorated with colored majolica tiles, laid out in the shape of a cross. Floor of the temple also was made of multicolored majolica tiles. At the walls, in order to facilitate the construction and improve the acoustics, was added empty pitchers - resonators. Churches were not plastered outside
After Brest cathedral in 1596 near the church was created Kalozha Basilian (Uniate) Monastery. Then the temple becomes a victim of nature. By the 1720, the building tilted because of the erosion of the hill on which the church was. On the night of April 2, 1853, the southern and western parts of wall were collapsed into the river. Another wall collapse occurred in 1889.
At the 1897th hill has been strengthened, on the site of the lost walls wooden walls was created

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