Дворец в деревне Хальч был построен в начале XIX века в стиле позднего классицизма и на протяжении десятилетий принадлежал роду Халецких. Последний владелец – шляхтич Зигмунд Войнич-Сеножетский – прославился своей страстью к ох
Адрес |
village Chalč, Gomel region |
Palace in the village Chalč was built at the beginning of the XIX century in the style of late classicism, and for decades it belonged to the Khaletsky family. The last owner is a nobleman Sigmund Voynich-Senozhetsky, he was famous for his passion for hunting and luxurious banquets.
Unfortunately the architect who built the estate is unknown. Initially the estate complex also included two wings, stables and outbuildings. Only the estate itself remained until today. Khalchinsky estate is unique: there are no similar estates among the monuments of estate architecture of the first half of 19th century on the territory of Belarus, Lithuania or Ukraine. During the Konstanty Kalinowski Uprising rebels were hiding here.
Behind the estate on a hillside decorated with lilac plantings, six terraces with flower beds and decorative shrubs were built. Around the estate a beautiful park with a total area of 15 hectares was located, it stretched along for almost 2 km. A garden was planted near the estate. In front of the estate two one-storey wings were built, they complemented the main entrance. Wide linden alley led to the front yard.
The first floor of the estate was made of stone, and the second floor of wood. Some say that this was done to economize, others believe that this was done because in the building with wooden walls it is easier to breathe. In times of Soviet Union homeless people lived there, then there was the NKVD prison, the "enemies of the country" and women with children were held there.
The first floor of the estate had a library, dining room, archive and two guest bedrooms. Oak staircase led to the second floor from the hall. In the center of the second floor there was the ballroom, which had an exit to the semi-circular open-air terrace, where dances could be organized. In addition to the ballroom the second floor had a bedroom and salon of the hostess, bedroom and cabinet of the owner and, other residential rooms, dressing rooms and restrooms. Khaletsky Estate has been completely equipped with antique furniture, there were legends about collections of porcelain, paintings, carpets and silver. Unfortunately the interiors of the Khaletsky Estate were almost completely destroyed during the times of Soviet Union.
The ballroom of the estate amazed with its refined decor and furnishings: banquettes of Louis XVI era, antique mahogany furniture in the Empire style. A rich library, collections of paintings, carpets, silver and porcelain, hunting trophies were gathered in Khaletsky Estate. Nowadays the restoration of the estate is in plans.
Дворец в деревне Хальч был построен в начале XIX века в стиле позднего классицизма и на протяжении десятилетий принадлежал роду Халецких. Последний владелец – шляхтич Зигмунд Войнич-Сеножетский – прославился своей страстью к ох
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