Усадебно-парковый ансамбль Радзивиллимонты располагается в деревне красная Звезда Клецкого района Минской области. Дворец построен в стиле классицизма в 1780-1783гг.
Адрес |
village Krasnaya Zvezda, Kletsk district, Minsk region |
The Manor and Park Ensemble of Radzivillimonty is located in the village Krasnaya Zvezda, Kletsk district, Minsk region. The palace was built in the style of classicism in 1780-1783.
Ensemble includes ruins of palace, park, barn. Was restored after the fire in 1909. Combined traditions of wooden architecture with stone architecture. The building of the palace is one-storey and rectangular. Under the building there are vaulted cellars.
The palace was twice more exposed to fires both in 1985 and in 1991.
The park occupies the south-western part of the former manor and surround the palace as a semicircle. Narrow reservoirs cover the manor from the north and north-east side.
The barn was built at the beginning of the XX century. It is rectangular one-storey building from a joist.
It is in a dilapidated state.
Усадебно-парковый ансамбль Радзивиллимонты располагается в деревне красная Звезда Клецкого района Минской области. Дворец построен в стиле классицизма в 1780-1783гг.
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