Memorial Complex in the village Lesnaya

Memorial Complex in the village Lesnaya


village Lesnaya, Slavgorod district, Mogilev region

The Memorial Complex in the village Lesnaya was erected as a monument of two centuries that have passed since the battle between the Russian army and Swedish troops under the command of General Adam Lewenhaupt on September 28, 1708. The battle took place near the village Lesnaya and ended with the victory of the Russian army. On the territory of the complex there are a chapel, a memorial in sign of the defeat of Swedes and an obelisk made of marble at the mass grave of soldiers, that died in the battle.

The Memorial is of interest to those travelers who likes tourism and recreation in Belarus. Lesnaja is a village in Slavgorod district, Mogilev region, it is known that here on September 28, 1708 korvolant of Peter I defeated the Swedish army of 16 thousands warriors of Levengaupt during the Great Northern War. In memory of the battle near the village Lesnaya 200 years later a monument in the form of a bronze eagle hitting the Banner of enemies and St. Peter and Paul temple-monument were erected. In times of the Soviet Union the museum of the battle near Lesnaya was in the temple. After Chernobyl disaster the museum stopped working. In the early 90s the temple was opened there again. 

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Голубая крыница


Голубая крыница — это самый крупный родник на территории Восточной Европы. Чистейшая вода бьет с глубины около 200 метров (точно никто не знает) потоком 60 литров в секунду, образуя красивейшее озерцо ярко-бирюзового цвета.


Мемориальный комплекс в деревне Лесная

деревня Лесная, Славгородский район

Мемориальный комплекс в д. Лесная возведён как памятник двум векам, прошедших после битвы русской армии с войсками шведов под командованием генерала А. Левенгаупта 28 сентября 1708 года.

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