Троицкое предместье – живописный старинный квартал на берегу реки Свислочь в центре Минска. Его уютные улочки и выкрашенные в нежные тона дома с черепичными крышами стали своеобразным символом Минска, запечатленны
Адрес |
Independence avenue 116, Minsk |
The National Library of Belarus was built in 2006 by architects V. Kramarenko and M. Vinogradov. Attraction was built of heat-reflecting glass and alluminum carcass, it represents a huge sphere in the form of diamond which symbolizes the human knowledge. At the base of the library there are two thermos shells and a corridor between them. Such "thermos" technology creates the necessary conditions to preserve the books. Building reaches 72 meters, and at the top there is an observation deck. Reading rooms are on the first three floors of the library, the capacity of them is about 2 thousand people, there is an exit to the cozy garden. 14 million books can be stored at the library at the same time, and one thousand staff members look after the indestructibility of intellectual heritage of the Belarus.
In front of the main entrance to the library in a small area surrounded by flowers and bushes there is a monument to Francysk Skaryna, created by the author A. Drants. On the western side there is a walkway that perpetuates the memory of the great figures of culture, science and politics of Belarus. Moreover residents and guests of the city can visit the sculpture park and enjoy the beauty of the fountains.
During a tour in the library guests are invited to become regular visitors of the National Library, they learn about the book fund and about the rarest copies of books, which are stored for several hundred years. Guests will be able to see the grand storage, transportation and sorting of books in the library, will be introduced to the electronic catalogs and will know how the selected books are delivered from one reading room to another. In the atrium visitors will see the granite ball in the form of a small fountain. It represents the value of knowledge, infinity of the world of knowledge, and constant flow and changes of the history. Guests will learn why the architects made this unusual decision in the design and how citizens of Belarus participated in the construction. The tour also includes a visit to the Book Museum, where guests can see the unique book monuments: the smallest book, the letters of which can hardly be seen under a magnifying glass, and the largest book, which can not be picked up by an adult. Part of the museum is dedicated to the history of the National Library.
Observation deck is one of the most visited attractions in Minsk, it is located on the roof of the National Library at an altitude of 73 meters. It offers views of all the sights of the capital and its environs, guests can admire the beauty of the view through the binoculars.
Троицкое предместье – живописный старинный квартал на берегу реки Свислочь в центре Минска. Его уютные улочки и выкрашенные в нежные тона дома с черепичными крышами стали своеобразным символом Минска, запечатленны
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