National Opera and Ballet Theatre

National Opera and Ballet Theatre


Parizhskaja Kommuna square 1, Minsk

The National Academic Grand Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus was founded in 1933 as the State Opera and Ballet Theatre of Belarus on the basis of the Belarusian studio of Opera and Ballet. In 1940 it became Grand Opera and Ballet Theatre, and in 1964 - Academic Grand Opera and Ballet Theatre.

The history of the theatre begins in the 20-ies years of the XX century on the stage of the first State Drama Theatre, there were opera soloists, choir, ballet group and a small symphony orchestra. For three years the studio has prepared opera "The Golden Cockerel" by Rimsky-Korsakov (1931) and opera "Carmen" by G. Bizet (1932). On May 25, 1933 The State Opera and Ballet Theatre in Minsk was opened with the opera "Carmen" with the great Belarusian singer Larisa Alexandrovskaja.

One of the main tasks of Opera and Ballet Theatre was the creation of a national repertoire. On March 10, 1939 the opening of the theatre building on the Trinity Hill was marked by the premiere of the Belarusian composer Eugene Tikotsky "Mіhas Padgorny", it was built by the famous architect Joseph Langbard. The first ballet performance presented on the new stage was "The Fountain of Bakhchisaray" by famous choreographer by Boris Asafyev, the ballet opened the new season of 1939-1940.

During the Great Patriotic War, the theater was evacuated to the Russian Volga region (the city of Gorky and Kovrov), where it continued to work. The occupants have taken all the furniture, musical instruments, scenery, costumes for 23 opera and ballet performances, electrical equipment, music sheets out of the theatre. The stable was set up in the premises.

Right after the liberation of the capital the team returned to Minsk and in December 1944 opened the season with the premiere of the opera "Alesya" by E. Tikotsky. This event has marked the revival of the National Opera and Ballet Theatre of Belarus. After the repair and reconstruction of the damaged building, its work was resumed, and soon the theater became one of the recognized leaders in the cultural space of the former Soviet Union.

Notable events in the history of the national theatre in the postwar period were the premieres of the ballet "Prince of the Lake" by V. Zolotarev and the opera "Kastus Kalinouski" by Dm. Lukas (1949). Moreover in the 50-ies significant achievements of the Belarusian theatre connected with interpretations of Russian and foreign classical operas. An important part of the creative process played works by Soviet and national composers. In the following years until the dissolution of the Soviet Union the Belarusian theatre had steady reputation as one of the brightest and most creative teams. Activities of the ballet troupe in the 80-90-ies characterized by a continuous enrichment of the repertoire by classical masterpieces, the further development of the modern choreography. Nowadays new opera and ballet performances are prepared in the renovated theater building.

In 2009 the building was completely reconstructed. Its facade is decorated with sculptural compositions of Apollos with flying nymphs, as well as sculptures of Melpomene, the muse of theatrical art, Polyhymnia, the muse of poets and  writers, Calliope, the muse of epic poetry and Terpsichore, the muse of dances.

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