Национальный парк Припятский расположен в долине р. Припять в центре крупной заболоченной низины, образованной в результате опускания кристаллического фундамента. В послеледниковый период Припятское Полесье представляло собо
Адрес |
Sasha Glushko str, Lyaskovichi, Gomel region |
Pripyat National Park is located in the Pripyat river valley in the center of a large waterlogged lowland, formed as a result of the lowering of the crystalline basement. In the post-glacial period Polesie was a huge water basin filled with melted glacial waters, later it was called "Pripyat sea", and during the Middle Ages numerous swamps of Polesie were called Gerodotovo sea. Gradually as the reservoir shallowed peat bogs formed here, some of them still exist.
History of the Pripyat National Park dates back to 1969 when this area of Belarusian Polesie was declared as nature reserve. The National Park was established in 1996 by order of the President of the Republic of Belarus based on the same nature reserve that existed there since 1969. In the process of reorganization the square of the national park has been greatly increased by the inclusion of new areas of the Pripyat river. The National Park has international status as Important Bird Area.
The idea of creation of the swamp reserve in Polesie belonged to the Polish academician V. Schafer, who in 20-30-ies of XX century proposed for this purpose large Olmansky swamps, largest swamps in Europe located between the rivers Goryn and Stviga.
Floodplain landscapes of the park are of exceptional value, where the large meadows alternate with shrubs, waterlogged lowlands, woodlands, single mighty oak trees, numerous oxbow lakes and dunes.
Pripyat National Park is a unique blend of natural, cultural and historical heritage which attracts a lot of tourists including foreigners. Good base for tourism and recreation in the park contributes to this.
Wildlife lovers come here for exciting photo safari because here one can see a lot of animals in their natural habitat.
There are 51 species of mammals in the National Park: wild boar, deer, elk, deer, hare, fox, muskrat, raccoon dogs, beavers. Including rare species: bison, European mink, European lynx, badger, garden dormouse. The Park is also home for 256 species of birds, including 65 species listed in the Red Book of Belarus. In the rivers and oxbow lakes there are 38 species of fish: zander, pike, burbot, asp, bream. The flora is represented by 929 species of plants, about 45 are in the Red Book of Belarus.
Nature Museum works in the Pripyat National Park since 2012.
On the territory of the Park there there are several recreation centers, each of them is unique in its location and meets the requirements of the most demanding customers. Comfortable rooms and cozy dining rooms make it possible to relax after sightseeing.
Национальный парк Припятский расположен в долине р. Припять в центре крупной заболоченной низины, образованной в результате опускания кристаллического фундамента. В послеледниковый период Припятское Полесье представляло собо
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