Дворец Пусловских или, как его часто называют Коссовский замок – памятник архитектуры первой половины XIX века. Он расположен в Коссово – небольшом городке на юге Беларуси, который за всю историю своего существования становился
Адрес |
Kosava, Ivatsevichi region, Belarus. |
Puslovsky castle or Kossovo Castle is an architectural monument of the first half of the XIX century. It is located in Kossovo - a small town in the south of Belarus, which during it's long history had belonged to Poland and to Belarus, became szlachta possesion and kept loyalty to the Communist Party.
Kossovo Palace was built in 1838 in Gothic style under the guidance of architect František Yashcholda from Warsaw. Interiour design was done by Italian artist Marconi.
Landowner Kazimir Puslovsky began construction of the palace, then his heir, industrialist Vandalin Puslovsky,continued it. However, the castle's fate was difficult. Leon Puslovsky, the son of Vandalin, lost the family estate while playing cards with local aristocracy. Thereafter Kossovsky castle constantly changed its owners and gradually lost its grandeur and luxury.
In 1914 Puslovsky castle was completely looted, and during World War II it was set on fire by the Soviet partisans in an attempt to prevent the creation of a fascist ambush on the territory of the estates.
Kossovo castle consists of 12 towers, each of which represents a particular month of the year. The palace was originally constructed in such a way that every year sun lit up one of its rooms for two and a half days. Unique interior corridors and windows allow sunlight to penetrate into all corners of Kossovo Castle. According to local legend, the landlords organized a "day room": the room was beautifully decorated as soon as it was filled with sunlight.
The palace Puslovsky had more than 100 rooms. In one of them, as evidenced by some historians, it was the glass floor, under which the aquarium with floating fishes was situated. The palace was famous for its library, which contained more than 10 thousand books. There is a legend that the owners of the castle had a lion to deal with theft among servants. Every night he was allowed to roam the corridors of the palace, silently guarding the owners' property.
Today we have only the walls of the Puslovsky castle. Currently castle is renovated , it is national property which is under the state protection.
Дворец Пусловских или, как его часто называют Коссовский замок – памятник архитектуры первой половины XIX века. Он расположен в Коссово – небольшом городке на юге Беларуси, который за всю историю своего существования становился
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