Адам Мицкевич - польский поэт, публицист, деятель национально-освободительного движения Польши. Он является одним из трех величайших польских поэтов эпохи романтизма наряду с Юлиушем Словацким и Зигмунтом Красинским.
Адрес |
1st of May street, 17 |
Transfiguration Catholic Church is a monument or architecture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Church was built at the end of XIV century by the Great Lithuanian Duke Vitautas in the Gothic style. In XV century Polish King Jagiello and Princess Sophia of Halshany got merried and became the ancestors of the Jagiellonian dynasty. You can find a memorial tablet on the side facade in memory of this event. In honor of the 600th anniversary of the birth of Princess Sophia next to the Catholic church was planted larch, and placed a memorial stone.
This church has all signs of a defensive one-nave church. The architecture of facade is simple and ascetic. Also here are covered cylindrical vault, a semicircular apse and two-towered facade. All towers are not hihg with square section. It also crowned with tents.
In the north wall in the chapel of Body of the Lord immured memorial slab of black marble. It was installed in the church in 1643 by order of the abbot Jan Rudamin in memory of his brother and neighbors who were killed in battle with the Turks near Khotyn in 1621. In the center of the plate is a bas-relief with the image of the 9 figures and Jan Rudamin. At the bottom are figures of defeated enemies. At the top - the relief image of the Mother of God with a child. Also here is carved text on Latin language with a list of titles and names of victims. At the beginning of the XVIII century church was rebuilt in the Sarmatian Baroque style. The cornerstone of the updated Catholic church was consecrated on July 14, 1714 by coadjutor of Vilnius bishop Matej Antsut. In 1723 church got the name "Catholic Church of Body of the Lord", but the construction work continued until 1740. In 1776, Bishop Zhulkovsky consecrated church in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord. 23 years later the famous Polish-Belarusian writer Adam Mickiewicz was baptized here. His work helped to popularize among the locals the ideas of the national liberation movement and democratic thoughts in Poland and in Belarus. In 1857 church was closed and returned to believers only in 1906. 15 years later church was renovated and re-consecrated in 1922.
During World War II gestapo agents executed here 11 Nazareth Sisters (martyrs of Novogrudok). In 1943, the Germans carried mass arrests among the local population of Novogrudok, and then the sisters pronounced their famous words: "My God, if you need a sacrifice of life, let us be shoted better than those who have a family .... " They was shoted in forest near the city. Today, in the chapel of the church you can find a sarcophagus with the remains of the nuns. On the site of their burial near the temple was created a stele. In 2001 Pope John Paul II ranked this martyrs as saints.
Адам Мицкевич - польский поэт, публицист, деятель национально-освободительного движения Польши. Он является одним из трех величайших польских поэтов эпохи романтизма наряду с Юлиушем Словацким и Зигмунтом Красинским.
Одной из главных достопримечательностей Новогрудчины являются руины древнего замка.
Новогрудский замок (замок Миндовга) был заложен на месте городища, на Замковой горе - высоком, частично насыпном холме, который был окру
Новогрудский фарный костёл Преображения Господня является памятником архитектуры эпохи Великого Княжества Литовского. Костел был построен великим литовским князем Витовтом в конце XIV века в готическом стиле.
Свято-Николаевский собор или, как его еще называют церковь Св. Николая, был возведен в Новогрудке в 1780 году как костел Св. Антония при монастыре францисканцев.
Борисоглебская церковь (официальное название - Собор святых мучеников-страстотерпцев благоверных князей Бориса и Глеба) - памятник готической архитектуры эпохи Великого княжества Литовского XVI века.
Дом Адама Мицкевича – музей, расположенный в Новогрудке, на месте, где когда-то проживали родители известного польско-белорусского поэта, публициста и общественного деятеля.
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