Преображенская церковь была возведена в 1779 году. На освящении церкви в 1783 году присутствовала сама императрица Екатерина II. Здание причислено к памятникам архитектуры и охраняется государством.
Адрес |
Chachersk, Gomel region |
Transfiguration Church was built in 1779. The building itself is a two-storey rotunda with a bell tower. It was designed in classicism style. The height of the church dome is 15 meters. The building is very expressive. This effect is achieved due to the integrity of the composition, huge forms and elements of classical decor with a portrayal of the details. The main features of this Church are the monumentality and clarity of construction.
The Empress Catherine II was present at the consecration of the church in 1783. And in the following years the church was not deprived of the attention of great men: A. Pushkin visited it on his way to exile, Emperor Nicholas I prayed here.
Interior mural was made by Italian craftsmen in the late years of XVIII century. The information about the original decoration has not been preserved. The oldest information refers to 1882. According to it specially invited Italian artist worked on the Ascension of Jesus and the Dormition of the Mother of God icons (XIX century).
The main treasure of the Church is the icon "Harrowing of Hell" of the XVII century, it is one of the masterpieces of the Belarusian art of the late Middle Ages.
Today the Church belongs to the Belarusian Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church (Diocese of Gomel and Zhlobin). The importance of the Transfiguration Church as an object of spiritual and cultural heritage is recognized at the state level.
The building is included in the list of architectural monuments and it is protected by the state. In 2009 The Post of Belarus released a commemorative card dedicated to the Church.
Преображенская церковь была возведена в 1779 году. На освящении церкви в 1783 году присутствовала сама императрица Екатерина II. Здание причислено к памятникам архитектуры и охраняется государством.
Чечерская ратуша - памятник архитектуры в стиле классицизма с элементами псевдоготики. Возведена во второй половине XVIII в. по заказу графа генерал-фельдмаршала З.Г.Чернышева, которому в 1774 г. императрица Екатерина II подарила горо
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