Деревянная Троицкая церковь располагается в агрогородке (ранее деревне) Блонь Пуховичского района Минской области. Она была построена в 1826 году в стиле классицизм. Выкрашена в яркий фисташковый цвет.
Адрес |
village Blon, Puhovichi district |
Wooden Trinity church located in village Blon, Puhovichi district, Minsk region. It was built in 1826 in style of classicism. Dyed in bright pistachio color.
During the reform in the second half of the XIX century, most of the churches became Orthodox, the same happened with the Trinity Church. If you pay attention, then in the Orthodox churches the entrance is made from the west to the east, and in this - from the south to the north.
According to legend at the beginning of the XIX century, a resident of the village Isidor Lyadtsev was healed by the Mother of God with the Infant in her arms. In gratitude he draw the icon of his Healer, because he saw her in his dreams. He built a chapel. During the fire of the chapel (during the Patriotic War of 1812), the icon miraculously survived, and all the French soldiers who committed the sacrilege, become blinded. Later on this place was created a beautiful wooden church in the name of the Blessed Virgin, where was her miraculous image. During the persecution in the Pukhovichi district, many churches were destroyed, including a church in Maryina Gorka, where then the miraculous image was. In the district, survived only one church in the village of Blon, where the shrine found its temporary shelter. In the time that pleased God, the icon was found again.
In 2010, the Mariinogorsky miraculous icon was solemnly transferred to the Alexander Nevsky Church in Maryina Gorka.
Деревянная Троицкая церковь располагается в агрогородке (ранее деревне) Блонь Пуховичского района Минской области. Она была построена в 1826 году в стиле классицизм. Выкрашена в яркий фисташковый цвет.
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