В Бресте у старого здания государственного университета имени А. С. Пушкина расположен учебно-методический комплекс «Зимний сад».Экскурсии по городу включают посещение этой достопримечательности в свои программы. Этот уникаль
Адрес |
Brest, Mitskevicha str, 28/1 |
"Zimniy Sad" includes 3 expositions. At the entrance tourist see the tropical part first, then to the sub- tropics,and finally to the desert (stony, sandy, rocky) area. Tropic area exposition is represented by more than 240 plant species. Here tourists can see the world's highest grass - banana, learn about the oldest plants on earth - fernlike plants (there are about 20 kinds in collection), admire the Araucaria heterophylla , ficus elastica, Arabian coffee, orchids, anthurium and many others.The singing of birds and the purl of water only complement this paradise atmosphere.
Subtropical zone exhibition includes plants that can be divided into three large groups: fruit, medicinal and ornamental plants. Pomegranate, mandarin, grapefruit, orange and more exotic pineapple guava, hibiscus and pelargonium, lavender and rosemary.
Sand zone exposition is made of stone and sand. Here you can see the collection of cacti and euphorbias, Agave victoriae-reginae, aloe and many other unusual plants.
The building of greenhouse itself attract equal attention as Zimniy Sad plants. Dome construction, sophisticatedly combining glass, metal and brick. Special proud of the building is a stained glass window - a flower in a circle, decorating the main facade of the building. This flower not only tells passers-by about the purpose of the building, but is also a hallmark of the Zimniy Sad in Brest.
В Бресте у старого здания государственного университета имени А. С. Пушкина расположен учебно-методический комплекс «Зимний сад».Экскурсии по городу включают посещение этой достопримечательности в свои программы. Этот уникаль
Брестская крепость – одно из знаковых мест Беларуси. Оборона Брестской крепости - пример мужества и стойкости советского народа в борьбе за свободу и независимость Родины, яркое проявление нерушимог
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