National Park Braslav Lakes

National Park Braslav Lakes

Belarusian National park Braslavskiye Lakes.

Braslavskiye Lakes National Park is located in the north-west of the Republic of Belarus in the territory of a geographical province with the poetic name of the Belarusian Poozerye.

This area is unique for its clean lakes framed with picturesque hills covered with pineries and oak-and-fir-tree forests. Around 260 lakes are present in the territory of Braslav District. Lakes and rivers occupy around 9% of the surface.

The park was established in the territory of 69,115 ha (around one third of the territory of Braslav administrative district). In the territory of the national park 61 lakes are situated - 17% of its territory. The largest of them are the Drivyaty, Snudy, Strusto, Boguinskoye Voiso, Nedrovo, Nespish.

Belarusian National park Braslavskiye Lakes. In the territory of the park there are around 500 species of plants, 20 of which are exotic for Belarus. In the lakes there live 29 species of fish, including such valuable ones as the eel, pike perch, bream, burbot. 189 species of the feathered can be found, 45 species of them are exotic and endangered. Out of large animals the elk, European brown bear, European wild hog, roe, wolf, European lynx live in the forests. Within the park limits there are a number of interesting natural monuments. These are separate pronounced glacial forms of relief, big boulders, noteworthy isles, biological groups of exotic trees. There are diverse monuments of history and culture: ancient settlements, burial mounds, religious buildings.

During trips on foot and by water as well as excursions by bus tourists would be able to see a number of remarkable sights in the territory of the national park: climb the Castle Hill in Braslav and the Mayak Hill near Strusto and Snudo Lakes, visit houses with wild animals of the Belarusian Poozerye, walk along ecologic routes of the Slobodskaya asar range and Mezhozyornyi landscape reserve, land on the isles of Drivyaty Lake, see historic monuments of Druya - Boris's stone with inscriptions of the 12th century, the first stone building remaining in Braslav Region - a Catholic church and a Bernardians' monastery of the mid-17th century as well as other monuments of nature and history.

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