Дворец спорта в г. Бресте построен согласно Указа Президента Республики Беларусь А.Г.Лукашенко за счет средств республиканского бюджета и является городской коммунальной собственностью.
Адрес |
Moskovskaya street, 151, Brest |
Sports palace in Brest was built in accordance to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus A.Lukashenko at the expense of the republican budget and as an urban municipal property.
The architectural project was developed by the open joint-stock company BELPROMPROEKT under the supervision of the chief engineer of the Klinovsky project. The customer of the construction of the palace was the Directorate of Capital Construction of the Brest City Executive Committee, and the general contractor - the construction management SU-116 under the leadership of Nosko Nikolay Nikolaevich, later under the leadership of Igor Georgievich Buravsky, Trust No. 8, headed by Sereda Nikolai Yakovlevich. The construction was started in August 1998 and finished on June 30, 2000.
The building of the Palace is located in Brest on Moskovskaya street, 151. The area of the main sports arena is 1800 sq.m. (60x30 meters). Equipped tribunes for 2000 spectators. There are VIP seats.
Sports and technical base allows to hold republican, international competitions in hockey and figure skating. The palace is located near the Moskavskaya and Pionerskaya streets, providing convenient approaches to the building and optimal evacuation of spectators after mass public events.The building is equipped with elevators, including a special lift for lifting disabled people.
The system of paid services for the population and organizations has been created and is being improved:
Дворец спорта в г. Бресте построен согласно Указа Президента Республики Беларусь А.Г.Лукашенко за счет средств республиканского бюджета и является городской коммунальной собственностью.
Брестский областной центр олимпийского резерва по водным видам спорта оказывает различного рода физкультурно-оздоровительные услуги. Для посетителей предлагается семейное плавание в бассейне 25 и 50 метров, обучени
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