Art room «The high place»

Art room «The high place»

The art  room works as exhibition space. In the showrooms there take place temporary thematic exhibitions, including international, on the basis of meetings of artists, photographers, collectors, various organizations and institutions.

Besides, there take place creative meetings and evenings. «The Healing by Art» project within which classes and master classes for physically disabled people are given is implemented.

Tours are conducted on temporary thematic exhibitions.


Individual visit: adult - 2 rub, pupils of schools and ССУЗов - 1 rub, students - 1,5 rub.

Excursion service: 5 rub – for group up to 15 people.

Day of free individual visit is the last Wednesday of month.

Working time

From 11:00 till 19:00

Entrance for visitors: 11:00 - 18:30

Working days: Wednesday - Sunday. Days off: Monday, Tuesday.

Address: Minsk, Herzena Street, 2a.

Call to order +375 44 502 30 02
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