Osipovichi regional local history museum

Osipovichi regional local history museum

The Osipovichi regional local history museum was founded in 1999. The fund of the museum makes 7532 units of storage.

Museum consists of two buildings:

In the building on Internatsionalnaya street, 48 settle down:

  • administration;
  • showroom;
  • 6 exposition halls («Archeology. GDL.Rzecz Pospolita», «The Russian Empire:1790– 1917», «Osipovichi: 1917-1941», «Ethnography and life. Wedding», «Great Patriotic War. Occupation: 1941 - 1943», «Great Patriotic War. Release: 1944 - 1945»).

In the building on Raboche-Krestyanskaya street, 20 settle down:

  • repository;
  • exposition «Daragan's Family » (5 exposition halls of 270 sq.m)
  • art gallery of the National artist of Belarus V. I. Stelmashonk (2 exposition halls).
Opening of art gallery of the National artist of Belarus V. I. Stelmashonk has taken place on December 1, 2006. The 37 pictures, 7 water colors and 120 graphic works are exhibited at halls of gallery.

The total exhibition area of the museum (in both buildings) - is 585,69 sq.m, the showroom is 40,1 sq.m.

Exhibits of a local history exposition

  • collection of icons of the 19th century (are exposed periodically);
  • fragment of a hand-written roll (parchment) of the Torah in Hebrew ("Moiseevo's Pentateuch"), 19th century;
  • glass bracelet of the 12th century from the Svislochsky lock;
  • tooth of a mammoth;
  • two filings of Rabotnitsa logs for 1927;
  • photos of residents of the head of the 20th century;
  • reference manual "List of stations of a railway system of the USSR. Moscow, 1941";
  • propaganda leaflets of the German command, 1941;
  • uniform of the Hero of the Soviet Union, commander of the 1st Osipovichsky guerrilla crew Nikolay Filippovich's Queen;
  • bronze written set game. 19th century;
  • telephone set and wall barometer of the head of the 20th century;
  • Mechanik Continental and Olimpia typewriters, the 1930th, Germany;
  • Gosshveymashina sewing machine, Podolsk, 1926;
  • chest shod on castors (for a dowry), the head of the 20th century;
  • cabinet from a thin oak a game. 19th century;
  • floor watch (oak) of the last third of the 19th century of production of Germany;
  • woven bench hammers of the head of the 20th century;
  • drawn rug of the 1940-1950th;
  • coasters, artel «Mster», 1930th.
One of traditions of the museum is holding conversations on spiritual and moral subjects under the general name «Spiritual Meetings». Actions take place three times a year for holidays: Christmas, Easter, Virgin.

The museum provides services to carry out a traditional Belarusian wedding ceremony for newlyweds. The ceremony is carried out by national vocal collectives in the thematic hall of the museum «Ethnography and life. Wedding«.

The scientific and practical conferences devoted to studying of Osipovichi district there take place autumn ang spring.

Entrance tickets

Adult - 1 rub, children's - 50 penny (preschool children free of charge)
Excursion - 2 rub/group.
Showroom: adult - 30 penny, children's - 20 penny.

Working hours

For visitors: Tuesday - Saturday, from 9:00. till 18:00, lunch: 13.00-14.00. 
Administration: Monday - Friday, from 8:00. till 17:00, lunch: 13.00-14.00.

Address: Mogilev region, Osipovichi, Internatsionalnaya St., 48.

Call to order +375 44 502 30 02
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