Belarusian Amazon (Turov - The National Park "Pripyatsky")

Belarusian Amazon (Turov - The National Park "Pripyatsky")

Minsk - Turov - The National Park "Pripyatsky" - Minsk

The length of the route: 600 km
Duration: 14 hours

Turov. One of the most mysterious cities in Belarus. Mysterious stone crosses have many legends and rumors, which according to the legend sailed on the Pripyat River during Vladimir of Rus baptism. Now two of the cross are installed at the Church of All Saints, and another (XIX c.) In the old cemetery. Locals say that the third cross annually "grows" a few millimeters out of the ground. It is interesting to see the script  "Drevniy Turov." - remains of stone buildings of the XI, which was destroyed during an earthquake in 1230. On Zamkovaya Gora stands the monument of Kirill Turovsky, the Belarusian Christian leaders, who in the XII century, he became famous as the "vtoroi zlatoust".

The National Park "Pripyatsky". Untouched nature, meadows, bordered by rich forests and oak forests, a lot of marshes and rivers - this is a real paradise for fishermen and birds. Only here you can observe the life of the birds in the wild and take photos. Recently, in the park was established a new service - safari. On the powerful jeep everyone can drive through the most impassable places where no man has gone before. You will be surprised by the 8-century oak and picturesque marsh.

The tour program

07.00 - Departure for Turov.
10.30 - Arrival in Turov. Visit to the nature museum.
11.30 - City tour: the Church  of All the Saints(XIX century.), cemetery, historical and cultural complex "Script", a monument of Kiril of Turov.
13.00 - Departure for Lyaskovichi.
14.00 - Safari-park tour.
15.00 - Walk on the boat on the Pripyat River. Free time.
17.00 - Departure for Minsk.
21.00 - Arrival in Minsk.

Дополнительно оплачивается

City tour: from 50 euros
Excursion service - 6 Euro. entrance tickets - 1 euro.
The museum of nature: Excursion service - from 15 euros. entrance tickets - 2 euros.
Safari Park in the National Park: Entrance tickets - 2 euros.
Boat trip on the river Pripyat - from 50 Euros
The guide: from € 100
Organization of transfer on a shuttle bus / car and catering if necessary; 
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Хатынь и Курган Славы

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