Medieval entertainments

Medieval entertainments

Venue of animation – Lida castle.
Structure of animator group – is'nt less than 6 people.


children –13-15 rub/persons, adults - 14-16 rub/people *
* depending on an treat: without  treat / with  treat. 
The cost is calculated on a group of 40 people. The general duration of the program – is up to 130 min.

В стоимость входит

In the program:

1. Walking sightseeing tour «Gedimin's castle» (up to 40 minutes): around the lock and in the castle yard with visit of fighting gallery.

2. Exposition «Maysternya Mistra» (to 15 minutes).

3. Dramatized miniature from Middle Ages life. At choice: «Inquisitor's workshop» or «Yard of the Grand Duke» (one action, up to 25 minutes). 

4. Medieval interactive games with tourists on specialized platforms - not less than 6 platforms (up to 30 min.).

Дополнительно оплачивается

  • Buying of souvenirs.
  • Sightseeing tour around the Lida city (duration of 45 min., cost – 25 rub from group). 
  • Fire show in the Lida castle (only in the evening).
  • Excursion in the Center of crafts with doll theater-batleykoy, clownish theater and animation programs of the COCA to HOUR project. Duration and cost – according to the reference (several programs). 
  • Visit of unique church in Small Mozheykovo (famous Murovanka). On the customer's transport, duration - 90 minutes. 
  • Organization of skating in the Ice palace. Session of 45 minutes. 
  • Excursion to the Neman glass-processing plant in Beryozovka – observation of glass production process, visit of the museum of glass (on the customer's transport, duration of 180 minutes). 
  • Organization of overnight stay for the night in the city: Kontinent hotel (class 3 ***), Ekvator and Lida hotels (tourist class). 
  • Catering services in the city. 
  • Organization of tasting of beer (under inquiry).
  • Organization of transport service. 
  • And other services of infrastructure of the city.
Звоните, чтобы заказать +375 44 502 30 02
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