2 days/1 night
1 day MINSK Meeting with group.Breakfast in the cafe.Sightseeing excursion around Minsk(3 hours) will introduce You to one of the most beautiful European cities, whose history has more than nine centuries. You will pass through the main avenues of the capital (Nezavisimosti Avenue and Pobediteley Avenue), which are the hallmark of the city, You will see the unique construction of the postwar Minsk, ensembles of its squares, parks, sports facilities and modern areas. During the exit on Nezavisimosti Square You will meet the Government House, Catholic Church of Saints Simon and Helena, which is a symbol of our city. On the «Tribulation and Courage» island You will see the monument in honor of soldiers in Afghanistan, will learn the history of its creation. The quarter Trinity Suburb is located near the island - the urban quarter of XIX-XX centuries, passing through its streets You can represent as our city looked before. During a walking tour of the Upper town You will get acquainted with the history of Belarus, will see the City Hall, the Cathedral Mariinsky church, the Orthodox Cathedral, the former Basilian and Bernardine Monastery, as well as learn the history of Minsk emergence.
Check-in.Free time(visit aquapark,shopping malls)
Overnight at the hotel.
2 day Breakfast.Check out. Excursion "Mir-Nesvizh"Castles.
Mir will tell you about the life of the Belarusian town, where for centuries closely intertwined destinies, culture and everyday life Belarusians, Poles, Jews, Gypsies, and Tatars. You will visit the Main Market area, in close proximity are an Orthodox church (Trinity Church in retrospect, Russian style), a Catholic church (St. Nicholas church, built in stone in the early XVII century) and the Jewish synagogue.
Powerful stone walls and towers of the medieval giant will pick you up - Mir Castle XVI century. You will learn the history of construction of this monumental Gothic buildings, hear about its famous masters (Ilinich, the great Radziwill and Prince Svyatopolk-Mirsky). Castle talk about their periods of greatness and the dark years of war and destruction, when in his strong walls hiding from the enemy all the inhabitants of surrounding villages. You will be able to descend into his dark dungeons and see the museum display of antique arms and armor, climbed the narrow winding stairs to the tower.
Moving to Nesvizh(30 minutes)
Nesvizh - former residence of one of the most illustrious magnate families of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - Radziwill - one of the oldest and most mysterious cities of Belarus. In the city you visit Farny Church, the first in Eastern Europe monument in the Baroque built by the Italian architect Giovanni Maria Bernardoni at the request of Prince Radziwill the Orphan. The interiors of the temple are richly decorated with fresco paintings. The main altar is decorated with the painting "The Last Supper". Catholic church is the burial place of birth of the princes Radziwill - This is the third largest crypt in Europe. Nesvizh church rightly put next to the famous crypt of the Habsburgs in Vienna and in the pantheon of Spanish monarchs Castle complex Escorial, near Madrid.
You see in the Nesvizh Slutskaya Brama - the original monument of baroque architecture, once forum in the city's fortifications, and serves as an entrance gate with Slutsk tract. Acquainted with the historical old town center: city Town Hall late XVI - early XVII centuries the oldest surviving town halls in Belarus, trading stalls, Market Square, the home of craftsman, a monument of the Baroque - Benedictine monastery .
Return to Minsk.
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АLBARUTHENIA: Мир-Несвиж, 2 дняКоличество дней: 2
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