Minsk - The Naroch Lake - Minsk
The length of the route: 290 km
The fishing season in Belarus: june - october
Groups: up to 3 person in a boat
Subject: The National park "Naroch" is famous not only for the cleanest and deepest lakes in Belarus, but also for trophy pike. The last 20 years, these natural treasures were under protection and now you have a unique opportunity not only to relax and enjoy the nature, but also to go fishing on the lake Naroch, accompanied by a professional guide.
Technical equipment of fishing:
Boat Silver Hawk 540 DC is prepared for trophy fishing! Sonar and navigation equipment, coupled with the motor Honda 90 allows you to fish in any pond.
On board there is everything you need for fishing according to the principle «Catch & Release», professional gear kits from leading manufacturers - Strike Pro, Abu Garcia, Svartzonker, Savage Gear and others.
In addition to standard sensors of sonar, the system is equipped with a sensor of strukturescanner Lowrance LSS2, which allows you not only to get the perfect picture of the bottom of the water, but also to look around. Depending on conditions, you can scan up to 100 meters on each side of the boat. A remote antenna Lowrance Point-1 increases the accuracy of reading up to one meter. Again, all this is combined in one system! Now, going on an interesting topography, we can find fish on the side of the boat, and we know exactly where it is. We can only poke a finger in the sonar screen and electric motor itself will put the boat on the object of our fishing.
More than 100 proven baits for catching trophy pike at your service! And the most important - a professional fishing guide and skipper IYT will help you to catch a fish of your dreams and take care of you and your safety on board.
The first day
09.00-11.00 Transfer Minsk - Naroch
11.00-11.30 Check in
11.30 Meeting with a guide
11.30-12.00 Transfer to the place of fishing
12.00-20.00 Fishing with a professional guide. Return to the farmstead. Overnight
The second day
09.00-10.00 Breakfast
10.00-13.00 Excursion along the ecological path "Golubye ozera". Stop at the lake.
Golubye ozera. On the border of Postavy and Myadel districts of Belarus, to the northwest of the lake Naroch, is the area that has long been called "Golubye ozera". On the map it looks like a large forest patch, in the midst of which there is a small blue spots of lakes. "Golubye ozera" such name got the national park. Currently, all conditions have been created in order to the unique beauty of these place became available to any lover of nature: in the natural complex is an ecological path, equipped with parking and tourist destinations. Very popular is bus and walking guided tour with a walk down the ecological path "Golubye ozera". Along this path there are signposts and information notices. On specially equipped recreation areas you can make a fire and barbecue. The length of the route is about 4 km. Route amidst a pine forest leads to the top of the hill ( "Lysaya Gora"), from which opens the picturesque panoramic landscape of forest and two lakes. Then the path leads steeply down on the wooden stairs to the place of rest "Lysaya Gora", which is located between lakes Glubelka and Glublya. Then eco-path leads out to the lake "Mertvoye". Enjoy the magic of the Belarusian nature!
13.00-17.00 Picnic. Possibility of cooking caught trophies on the grill.
17.00-19.00 Return to Minsk
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