Бобруйская крепость — историческая крепость в городе Бобруйске. Строительство начато в 1810 году, крепость сыграла существенную роль в Отечественной Войне 1812 года.
В 2002 году памятник истории и архитектуры «Бобруйская крепость
Адрес |
Bobruisk, Mogilev region |
Bobruisk Fortress was founded by the decree of Alexander I on June 16, 1810. The purpose of the fortress was to serve as a stronghold and a bridgehead for troops in case of war in the west. The location of the fortress was very beneficial and successful. Bobruisk was located on the right bank of the Berezina River and represented a typical Belarusian town of that time. According to the plan the fortress located on the spot of residential areas and therefore it was necessary to resettle the residents outside this area.
After the war the construction of the fortress continued. Work on the construction of additional lines of defense continued until 1825.
As time went by the fortress became out of date, and so in 1868 it was transferred to the second class, and in 1886 became the fortress-warehouse. The fortress has not been involved in World War I fortress has not been involved and in the following years it was used to accommodate military garrisons. During World War II the Germans has arranged a prison for the Red Army soldiers in the fortress. After the war in times of the Soviet Union the fortress buildings were used as military units. Even today some of the buildings of the fortress are used as a prison.
Бобруйская крепость — историческая крепость в городе Бобруйске. Строительство начато в 1810 году, крепость сыграла существенную роль в Отечественной Войне 1812 года.
В 2002 году памятник истории и архитектуры «Бобруйская крепость
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